Thursday, September 25, 2008

watch this fight

This fight is not mixed martial arts. It was put on by DEEP, who generally does MMA, but its not MMA. Its K-1 rules kickboxing. So if you don't like kickboxing you shouldn't watch this clip. Sometimes I will post about kickboxing instead of MMA. I probably won't post about boxing....But I might post about boxing.

On the other hand, if you enjoy the most ridiculous fight of all time then this is for you.

  • strikes to the groin
  • liver shots
  • takedowns
  • throws
  • a goddamned Rock Bottom
  • jumping kicks
  • double jumping kicks
  • wheel kicks
  • 1 million spinning backfists
  • conclusive proof that a three knockdown rule in kickboxing is a stupid idea

the commentary isn't in english so if that bothers you turn the sound off but I personally think its kinda fun.


Anonymous said...

just fyi, should some improbable series of events lead you to have read this comment and not clicked play on that video: you're gay

Nanker said...

That fight left me sweaty and dishevelled.

Nanker said...

It made me swear off doritos mountain dew and re-dedicate myself to training seriously. My first big test: fighting Bruce Lee's ghost. I have developed a pants shitting manoeuvre that will secure my victory 100 percent.

Unknown said...

More fights should involve jump round kicks to the jaw.