Thursday, October 23, 2008

Student Union

I'm sorry to people who don't go to Nipissing but I feel like I should add some school related content. So I'm going to write about the only thing gayer than half naked dudes tweeking their nipples at each other: student politics.

Our student union stinks out loud. This is objectively true. The point of a union is to look out for the best interest of its members. Our "union" is closer in function (and practice) to an incorporated group of investors, where the investors rarely get to see a return on their investment. There is nothing wrong with paving the way for future generations, or even paying off the debts of students who came before. The problem is that the union is completely misjudging the needs of its members.

We have a relatively small student population (combined with the attached college we are under ten grand), yet we have one of (if not the) biggest campus bar in Canada. In order to keep this bar running they do weddings and events that in no way benefit the student population. You could argue that the money generated from these events would be redistributed back towards useful students, but that would be naive and demolishing every definition of "useful".

There are no services provided on campus on Sundays. The student pub and pizza shop are closed by 6 on most nights (the Pita & Pizza place is often closed by 4:30).

I kinda lost track of what I was doing and instead was learning about famed negro gunslinger Doug Raymond, as mentioned on the Nipissing Wikipedia Article.

This was gonna be a long and rambling thing about how student politics are dumb as hell in the long view because university is about getting drunk and laid and reading books and meeting new people (and posting on the internet). Being interested in politics and your surroundings is very valuable, but spending your youth complaining and griping about your position (when you are probably priviledged as hell since you are attending a University) is probably a waste. Playing grownup is fun, but being a student is even better.

I completely lost focus on this one, but next time you are deep in thought about student politics just remember that we have a really big fucking bar, and watch out for Doug Raymond.

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